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Personalized Guided

 Seasonal Group Cleanses

Based on Ancient Science & Modern Wisdom     

Andrea Arriaga yoga 7-21 day detox cleanse ayurveda nutrition

Ayurvedic and holistic principles and practices recognize that there is not a one size fits all solution to health care & nutrition and views digestion as the foundational pillar of physical and mental well being. Cleansing is a powerful tool to serve in healing; detoxing, renewing and balancing in body and mind.  Seasonal cleansing is a potent way to not only strengthen you immunity, prevent disease and maintain mental stability, it also strengthens a deeper conscious awareness and direct intimacy with the participation of your life.  

My approach to cleansing with give you life changing tools as it incorporates nutritional, physical and mental/emotional practices. Seasonal group cleansing courses are offered  inclusive of the educational tools to help you make individualized choices right for you so you can customize the length of your cleanse  and intensity of the phases within it, spanning from 7-21 days.

Private cleanses include an Ayurvedic assessment, personalized yoga and meditations, options for prepared meals and one on one guidance and support.

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."


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